Sunday, April 25, 2010


Another shitty performance. Yea, yeah, I know all about ONE bad day at the gym. No big deal, move on....But, I'm seeing a pattern here with myself. I need to figure out why. I AM eating enough. Sure, I have lower cal days but I make up for it, believe me.

Conditioning too much? NO. I only do short metcons. In the last month I have done 1 metcon over 12 minutes.

I am easily the least conditioned person at my gym. I wouldn't mind much if I was insanely strong but I'm not.

So, I'm mediocre strong and my conditioning is shit. Fantastic.

Ok, I'm done bitching..



3 sets of max pull ups

Farmers walks with the 70lb KB's
4 passes across the gym/15 GHD situps

4 rounds. Not for time.

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