Saturday, February 27, 2010


I'm not going to lie, this was horrible. So horrible you may not want to read it....

I hate FGB. I've only done it twice before but I remember it well.

So, I decided to be a trooper and join the group today.

Well, my legs were fucking dead from yesterday's hill sprints. But, I still didn't think it would be THAT bad.

It was.

SDHP...I never do those. I think they're gay. And that is all.

Box jumps...first set was good. After I got tired they were a joke with my right leg. ARRRGGHHHHH

Row...not horrible but I expected better

PP....this was the high point of the whole goddamn miserable workout

Wall balls....OMG, not even worth mentioning

I do my own programming, metcon wise, and I clearly have some glaring deficiencies. My conditioning needs major help.
So, more sprints, hill sprints, burpees and short and hard metcons....

I'm not going to beat myself up about this. I learned what I need to work on and will make the necessary changes.

Hill sprints and pull ups

I decided I had run out of was time to do some hill sprints. And why not? I had 4 hours of sleep, moved all day long and it was windy and 22 degrees.


I found a perfect little (read HUGE) hill that was basically free of snow and ice.
Hill sprintsX10
My rest was the walk down, about 35-45 seconds. This sucked. I'll be doing it weekly.

Then I drove to the gym to do pull ups. Yes, I'm still using a band
3 sets max pull ups
25, 20, 19
 I thought that seemed like an improvement so I checked my notebook. It was, not as good as I initially thought but that's another story.
In December I got 17, 12, 11


Then I did max GH sit ups in 2 min.
Got 52
That does beat my old best by 3

I did crank out another 20 pull ups right before I left... :)

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Floor press and PC's

Nothing real exciting about this one. I was sore as shit going into it..

Floor press
75xmax. I got 9
It did at least feel a bit less awkward.

Then I did some heavier power cleans

65, 65, 75, 85, 85, 90, 90(those felt heavier than I would have liked) 75, 75, 85

My landing is really gross when it starts to get heavy. My right leg kinda pops out to the side. Gotta work on that. Which is why I dropped the weight so I could focus on form. My 1RM is 100lbs. However, my lower back was extremely tight from the previous days' heavy DL, sledgehammer swings and pull ups...

Monday, February 22, 2010

Deadlifts and metcon

175xmax. I got 10.

Happy with this. My goal was at least 7.

Then...a fun little metcon

5 rounds
30 sledgehammer swings
20 air squats
10 pull ups(green band)

Time: 11:29

Oh boy. This was my first time ever swinging the sledgehammer. Once I got the hang of it, I really liked it. The hardest part of this was the pull ups. Of course.....

I predict I will be a bit sore tomorrow :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Floor press 1RM, metcon, good mornings

After deciding to ditch PC's as a lift in 5/3/1 and seeing as we don't have a bench...floor press it is.

I've never done this before and it felt a little weird.


The I did a little metcon. With 65lbs on the bar...
3 cycles of
Power clean
front squat
push jerk
back squat
Rest 1 minute

Repeat 4 times. After subtracting rest time I got 4:52. This was a light weight. I didn't want to do anything too crazy today.

Then, good mornings
I upped the weight today, pretty pleased with myself on these. I've been doing these with 65lbs

My hamstrings might be giving my quads some competition :)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Back squats, metcon and KB shoulder press

My first mistake was thinking the weight sounded too easy.

Today on 5/3/1 was back squats
115xmax reps. I got 12

Wow, that felt way harder than I thought it would OR should. And my knees were coming in on the last few. 
No good. Damn.

5 thrusters@55lbs
10 burpees
5 rounds+3 thrusters

What?? This was horrible. I mean, *I* was horrible.

I actually was going to do the thrusters with 65lbs but it was suggested I check my ego and focus on form. Eric DeWitt, I love you...

Then I did some 20 lb KB presses. 3 sets, max reps each arm

On a happy note....the 44lb KB arrived!!!!!!!! Wooot!

I gave it a whirl, just to make sure I can swing it...good news, I can.

Monday, February 15, 2010

PC's maybe not a good lift for 5/3/1

Well, I had decided to trade out bench press for PC's....because...
A. We don't have a bench at our gym
B. I really like O-lifting
C. Refer to B.

This is how it went
Power cleans
75xmax reps. I got 32. What? Yes, 32. I didn't even fail, I just quit. My back was pretty tight and I started to think perhaps this was not such a great plan. Not exactly how it's supposed to go. Well, I've got some thinking to do on that one....

Then Tabata rows.

I did the whole cycle twice.
Not really fun.

Then...I just felt like I wanted to do a little bit more(yeah, I don't know why)

So I thought 2 minutes of max KBS would be fun. You know, not too bad. It's only 2 minutes, after all.

I got 54. Oh shit that sucked. Like really sucked.

I managed 40 or so without stopping. Then I pretty much saw a bright light and I wanted to go to it....

And I'm an Atheist! haha

Really, it was a good day :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

5/3/1/ DL and metcon

I really love this program.

So, today started off as a horrible day but slowly got better :)


165x max, I got 10

Whew! I wish I could say it was easy but those last few were HARD!


10 min AMRAP
5 Front squats@75lbs
10 pull ups

got 6 rounds + front squats

The issue here was the pull ups. The FS felt pretty easy at that weight. The pull ups got real S-L-O-W at the end.

Then I did max GH sit ups in 2 minutes. I got 42. Less than last time. But some weirdness is going on where my feet keep wanting to slide out. Hmmmm

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Metcon only

Day 2 of 5/3/1/ and just a metcon today. I had a workout planned but when I got to the gym I decided to workout with the guys.

A rare occurrence indeed.

3 rounds of
10 pull ups
10 push ups
10 HANG cleans
10 ring dips

Oh fuck me sideways.

Well, well, well....I got my ass handed to me by those hang cleans. I never do those anymore. It's always power cleans. My 1RM power clean is 100 lbs.
I loaded the bar with 75lbs and had to pull 5 lbs off halfway into the second round.

Jesus. It didn't help that I was in an utterly awful mood, but still....

My time was like 12:11 I think. Horrible to be sure.

Whatever, tomorrow is another day, a rest day...
I'm spending the day in Chicago, eating yummy food and enjoying good company :)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Start of 5/3/1

So, I've taken a hiatus from blogging because my workouts have not been worth writing about. I was having some issues that I thought might be stemming from my surgery so I backed off heavy lifting until I saw the Dr.

Anyway, I got back to it today and also started the 5/3/1 program....pretty excited about this. I'm hoping to add 100lbs to my back squat this year.


Push press
75xmax reps. Got 11

That was fun :)

Then a 10 min AMRAP
5 OHS@55lbs
10 KBS@35lbs

Got 7 rnds+5 OHS

Hmmm, potentially I could have gone heavier on the OHS but I'm a bit out of practice. And seeing as I only got 7 rnds maybe it was the right weight to use.
Surprisingly, it was the KBS that got damn heavy towards the end!

All in all it was a good day and did wonders for my mood to be back at the gym :D