Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DEEEElicious roast chicken and veggies

I'm just gonna skip the part where I say sorry it's been so long...

People are always asking me for Paleo recipe ideas. I usually hesitate because I rarely follow a recipe and can never remember exactly what I put into something. But, I'm going to give it a try, anyway.

So, I've been wanting to try brining a chicken for a while now and at the urging of my niece I decided it was time to do it. I loosely followed Thomas Kellar's brine recipe.

Fill a large pot with water. Add 1 cup salt, a few cloves of garlic, some oregano, rosemary and about 1/4 cup lemon juice. Bring to a boil and let boil for 1 minute. Take off the heat and let it cool. When it's cool put the (3-4lb)chicken in the water. Cover and put in the fridge for 12 hours. In the morning take out the chicken and rinse with water. Put back in the empty pot and put in the fridge until you're ready to roast.

Roasting time...
Pour olive oil all over and under the skin. Bacon fat would work great here, too. Stick a lemon(halved)into the cavity. LIBERALLY coat with kosher salt and pepper. Roughly chop up veggies of your choice. I used sweet potatoes, carrots, celery and radishes. Put in roasting pan with chicken on top. Roast at 350 for about 45mins, then crank up the heat to 500 and roast for 15 mins or so. When it's done take out the chicken, add some butter to the veggies and put back in the oven for a few mins.

AMAZING. If it's not the best or close to the best chicken you've ever had, you screwed up.


  1. YAYYYY! SO glad you liked it! Just a footnote to the recipe -- be sure to use only coarse kosher salt in the brine...regular table salt has a nasty chemical taste and is way stronger -- that quantity would be WAY too much. Roast chicken 4eva!

  2. Nice: Do you have a cast iron skillet? This recipe is crazy easy and good: http://www.bonappetit.com/recipes/quick-recipes/2011/06/perfect-pan-roasted-chicken-thighs

  3. Ooooh that looks good! Do I have a cast iron skillet??? I don't leave home without it!

  4. Okay good, we'll let you in Texas then... ;-)

  5. I knew I was going to the right place!
